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You Can Save Two Lives
Right Now!
#YestoLife #ProLifeGeneration

Latin America & the Caribbean ranks first in the world with the highest abortion rate
A new abortion takes places every 1,5 seconds
How it Works
Te escuchamos y te brindamos las mejores opciones frente a un Embarazo Vulnerable
Te escuchamos y te brindamos las mejores opciones frente a un Embarazo Vulnerable oNo Deseado
Te escuchamos y te brindamos las mejores opciones frente a un Embarazo Vulnerable oNo Deseado
Te escuchamos y te brindamos las mejores opciones frente a un Embarazo Vulnerable oNo Deseado

“If I have this child? Why wasn’t it obvious to me that I already had a child, who was growing inside of me? Once you are pregnant, there is no if. That child, though tiny and in an early stage of development, already exists!”
Abby Jhonson, Former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director

Most women "choose" abortion precisely because
they believe they have no other choice
Serrin M Foster
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